Thursday, 10 May 2012

Who Died of Aids

Rock Hudson (died 1985) � Rock Hudson was an American actor who starred in lots of films and several TV programmes. They was well renowned for his role in romantic comedies and as a romantic leading man (often acting opposite Doris Day), playing of his masculine looks. They was voted �Star of the Year�, �Favourite Leading Man� and lots of other roles and completed around 70 films over decades making him something of a Over Grant-type figure. It was ironic in a way then that for all this time they was hiding his homosexuality and would succumb to, and finally die of, AIDS at the age of 60.

Kimberly Bergalis (died 1991) � Kimberly Bergalis is an unusual addition to this list as someone whose fame actually came from their experience with AIDS as someone who would become a pivotal symbol in the debate regarding AIDS testing for health professionals. With no celebrity status before her debacle, it was a tragic way to acquire fame.

As the eldest of daughters, Bergalis was born in 1978 and attended the University of Florida to major in business. Here he had serious boyfriends but seldom lost her virginity and had seldom used any kind of drugs. In 1987 he had molars removed by her dentist Dr David J Acer. Tragically, Dr Acer had been diagnosed with AIDS that year and soon after Bergalis began to show signs herself. CDC tests suggested that it was Acer who infected Bergalis and several of his other patients. HIV can spread from patient to doctor, doctor to patient or even patient to patient by reusing unsterilized instruments (scalpels, hypodermic needles etc). Today all such instruments are disposable.

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